
Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend Recap ~ 8/22/11

I hope everyone had a good weekend.  Doug is on Daylight Shift this week so I woke up at 5am to this song:

Now I'm wide awake and have to get Kaylee up at 7am to continue our "School Year Routine".  Oh well.  I'll just have to take a nap later.  After I clean :(

So, Friday evening Doug was working and Kaylee was at a friend's house.  I worked on some etsy orders to ship out Saturday while Laken and I watched 2 movies from Netflix on XBox. 

The first was a major tearjerker:

A Shine of Rainbows

I just love Aidan Quinn!  sigh...  The second was cute and funny.

You Again

Saturday, I got up early to make homemade Mac-n-Cheese and "PB Chocolate Chunk Brownies with Icing" (recipe soon to come) for the Guardian Angel Picnic.  It was fun seeing the kids find out who had been praying for them and giving them little gifts over the year.  They each got a gift at the picnic also and it was great watching them open them and play. 

I already know who our 2 angels are for this school year and I look forward to surprising them with carefully planted packages and praying for them.

Saturday evening, Doug went to work, Kaylee went to a friend's and Laken and I went for groceries.  Wal-Mart was packed!  I could definitely tell that the students from the local State University were in town and stocking up on food.

By the time I got home, unpacked groceries, gave Laken a bath and finally got Kaylee to take a shower I was ready for jammies, too.  I settled the girls in, tucked myself in bed and then stayed up until 1am to finish a book:

Forget Me Not (Crossroads Crisis Center, Bk 1)

I couldn't put it down until I finished it.  (Review to come soon.)

Sunday morning, I had to drag myself out of bed (1am bedtime just didn't cut it) to get ready for 1st Place meeting at 8am.

In Jr. Sunday School we started teaching the kids about how to pray and the parts of a prayer.  They weren't very energetic so we got the hula-hoops out and they had to hula-hoop and try to recite the parts of a prayer.  That woke them up and they had a good time.

Jeff had a great sermon on "Staying Focused" using Hebrews 12:2 as the key verse.  Some other verses were Philippians 3:14, 1 Corinthians 9:24-26, and Galatians 5:7.

In the afternoon, (after my "Sunday Afternoon Nap") we went to a Amway demonstration.  My cousin Brian is starting college Thursday and has a Amway website to try to make some money for living expenses.  Here's his site if you're interested:  He's a great kid and I've loved him from the moment he was born!

Last night was Coffee Break and we finished up our study book on "Bible Manners and Customs".  Next we're studying Daniel.  Complicated.  Interesting.

I tried to get the girls to bed early last night and then ended up staying up past my bedtime.  Once again, reading.  I'm going to have to work on getting to bed earlier.

Doug just left for work and now I'm tired.  I guess I'll go lay down for approx. 45 minutes until MY alarm goes off.  Hopefully, I'll be as wide awake then as I was when DOUG's alarm went off.  Somehow, I doubt it.

Have a great week!

Coming This Week:

-"PB Chocolate Chunk Brownies with Icing"
-Book Reviews: Deep Haven Series; Forget Me Not
-50,000 Hit Giveaway
-Professional Photos of a few Etsy Items!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy but great weekend, I know the feeling about getting to bed earlier, I do not even have any kids at home any more and I still find myself not getting everything done I want!!!!


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