
Thursday, August 25, 2011

"The Perfect Match" by Susan May Warren

Deep Haven Series Book 3

The Perfect Match (Deep Haven Series #3)

Book Description

Ellie Karlson arrives in Deep Haven to fill the job as interim fire chief. The locals in this small town, including Pastor Dan Matthews, a volunteer firefighter, are shocked that a woman would take over this dangerous position.

But as Dan and Ellie work together to solve a string of mysterious arsons, their mutual respect for each other builds.

My Thoughts:

A story about a female fire chief.  I was intrigued.  It was so interesting learning about the behind the scenes happenings of a volunteer fire department such as we have in my town. 

Ellie is as tough as they come but still has issues of needing to prove herself to everyone, even herself.  Relationships are just complications in the road to her greater goals. 

She also has a faithful hound (a theme in this series that I loved), a basset hound.  I'm partial to basset hounds as we've had a few.  They are wonderful but hard-head dogs.  Maybe that is why the author chose that breed for Ellie.  hmm?

Dan has made minor appearances in the other books of the series but he ended up being nothing that I thought he would be.  He was a very interesting character as a preacher/fire fighter who has always held women at arms length until he meets Ellie.

The dynamics of their relationship were fun to "see" unfold throughout the book.

This whole series by Susan May Warren was one of my favorites ever.  I really enjoyed reading them back-to-back and getting to know the community of Deep Haven.

If you get the chance, read this series.  I know you'll enjoy all three books!

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