
Friday, July 8, 2011

{this moment} & Feel Good Friday ~ 7/8/11

 {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo (or 2, or 3) - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.


"Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things."

1.  I hit 60 sales in my etsy shop!

2.  Watching the girls swim in the pool!

3.  I walked 5 miles yesterday!

4.  It stormed last night and I slept SO good!

5.  I found a great sale on yarn and bought so much I had to rearrange my sewing room!


  1. I found you on etsy. Love this idea. So many things to be grateful for. Hope you will stop by my blog and say hello.

  2. Whoa- 60 sales??? I've made 3 and feel like a champ! Nice going!

    I slept so well the night of a storm about a month ago. Just the perfect sound of rain all night long. I love those nights!!

    Thanks for linking up!


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