
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Summer Celebration" Giveaway Day 2 (Starbucks!!!)


Otherwise known as the "I don't have to get kids ready for school in the morning and do homework Celebration!"

Day 2

(Click HERE to enter Day 1's giveaway-Summer Fling Sun Hat)

One of my very favorite things to do in the summer is to sit on my back deck under the canopy and read a good book.  I also like to stay up late reading in bed, which I can now do because the alarm clock is turned OFF!!!

So, today's giveaway is for this:

Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico

"Love Finds You in Golden New Mexico" by Lena Nelson Dooley

And this:

View Image

$10 Gift Card to Starbucks

How to enter:

+1  -Leave a comment telling me your favorite genre of book to read and your favorite drink.  (mandatory)
+2 -Be a follower of my blog.

+2 -Add my Shop to your favorites on etsy.

+5 -Buy an item from my Shop.

That makes a total of 10 possible enteries!

Make sure you let me know in the comments what you have done to enter so I can make sure to give you the right amount of entries!

Thanks so much for helping to celebrate Summer!


  1. I love Historical Christian Fiction. =) That book looks interesting.

    I'm really enjoying, on occasion, thanks to gift cards for my birthday in May, the Coconut Mocha Frappucino at Starbucks! Yum! =) Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  2. I'm now following your blog. =)

  3. I have hearted your shop...actually, I've been there before through Team CAC, you have a lot of beautiful things...but those cookies are so tempting! =)

    Have a beautiful week!

  4. I love all types of romance books

  5. I follow your RSS feed

  6. I'm already following your blog. :) I love it when your reviews show up in my feed.

    My favorite drink? Will it shock you if I tell you I've never been to starbucks? :) I've driven by so often and never stopped. Perhaps, one day I'll have to... :)
    If I do, what do you suggest I try? :)

  7. Oh, I forgot to mention my favorite genre of book... This is tough to answer as I enjoy so many books. I read mostly Christian (very, very seldom to I pick up secular novels), so anything in that market... I enjoy a good, challenging read, interspaced with light, fun reads. That could be most anything... :) Ted Dekker is one of my favorite authors, but I really enjoy Janette Oke and C.S. Lewis as well, so that tells you the range.

  8. Great Giveaway! Thaks for posting it on the Crafty Housewives Etsy team!

    I love a good book...right now I'm in the middle of the wonderful serie of "The Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon!

    I'm a coffee addict...and I do enjoy a nice glass of red wine with my dinner! :D

    ~Floowing your Blog!

  9. +1 i love like those young adult summer romance or teen romance life books! like the author sarah dessen i love her teen books! My favorite starbucks drink is the caramel frapp!

    thanks and i hope i win!

  10. My favorite book genre would be either Christian fiction or mysteries. My favorite Starbucks drink is their mocha frappucino. Just recently found your blog and I really enjoying it.


  11. My favorite are nonfiction (biographies), but I will read just about anything.

  12. I like mysteries. My favorite drink is a caramel macchiato.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  13. I usually choose any kind of frappuccino. In terms of what I read, all kinds of different things. I have an English degree so read a lot of classics before, but now I seem to read mostly kids books! Haha!
    I have you in my favourites:) is my email address.

  14. I like historical fiction best. And my drink of choice use to be ginger ale, but hubby and I are quitting the soda scene, so now I guess it's water???? And I know I don't drink enough of that!

  15. I am a follower. for two more...or do I need to enter them seperately...some sites require that others don't...

  16. I love Christian fiction - historical and Amish primarily. I love sweet coffee anything caramel or chocolate.

  17. Added your shop to my favorites!


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