
Monday, June 13, 2011

Kaylee's Bday and Cinnamon & Sugar Tortillas

Today is my baby girl's 10th Birthday!

I really can't believe it has been an actual decade since Kaylee came into the world.  A wonderful gift from God.

So, today, we're going to our local State Park, Shawnee to fish and hit the beach.  Then we'll come home to the requested ice-cream cake from the DQ!

This past week has been crazy hectic and I didn't get to try any new recipes. So, I thought I'd once again visit the archives.  This recipe is special because it also features the Birthday Girl and her little sissy, too!

I promise I'll have something new next week!
Cinnamon & Sugar Tortillas

1 flour tortilla
Microwave-safe plate

Place the tortilla on the microwave-safe plate.

Let your little helper spread butter all over the tortilla.

Put the plate into the microwave for 20 seconds. Your little one can push the buttons with your help.

Sprinkle on some sugar.

Sprinkle on some cinnamon.

As much or as little as you desire.

Roll the tortilla up.

Ta Da! Your Cinnamon & Sugar Tortilla. Yummy!

Let each child make their own. There may be some drama as the to the order they get to make them. You may have to use your mommy voice but it is so much fun to see your children create.

Happy Birthday, Kaylee!!!  Being your mom has made this the best 10 years of my life!!!

Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!


  1. Happy Birthday, Kaylee!! 10 is a wonderful age to be.......enjoy!!

  2. What a yummy idea. Makes me want one right now, lol! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  3. Yum! I think I've made these fried awhile back.

    Found you at MomsTheWord!

  4. Yummmy!!!! Its the great tasty Idea.I was busy in searching the Cheap Kitchen Products .Now my mood is turn to taste some thing new like this....

  5. I've made fruit salsa (there's a great recipe called Annie's Fruit Salsa on All recipes) that goes with this!

  6. Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl! This is a great treat that we just love. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!
    Miz Helen

  7. Oh yum! They sound great and what a fun treat for the kids to make!

    And happy birthday to the birthday girl! 10? Wow!!!


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