
Monday, May 2, 2011

Cream Puff Cake

I posted the recipe for my husband's favorite cake of all time, Cream Puff Cake, very early in my blogging life.  I didn't even have a picture.

I almost didn't get a picture this time either.

One of my contributions for Easter Dinner was dessert and I decided Cream Puff Cake would be the perfect compliment to a very "full" filling meal.

I looked over at the cake pan, an lo and behold, there was only 1 piece left!  I practically screamed, "NOBODY TOUCH THAT CAKE!  I DIDN'T GET A PICTURE YET!" lol 

In my rush to get a picture before the cake was gobbled all up, I flopped it over on the whipped cream top :(  I repaired it the best that I could but that is why the top looks kinda like a 2-year-old made it!  But...I got my picture!

Cream Puff Cake

1 cup water
1/2 cup butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup all purpose flour
4 eggs
1 package (8oz) cream cheese softened
2 packages (3.4oz each) instant vanilla pudding mix
3 cups cold milk
1 (12oz) whipped cream
Chocolate syrup (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 and grease a 13X9 baking pan.

In a sauce pan over medium heat, bring water, butter and salt to a boil.  Add flour all at once and stir until a smooth ball form.  Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes.

Add eggs, on at a time, beating well after each addition.  Beat until smooth.

Spread the mixture into your baking pan and bake for 30-35 minutes or until puffed and brown.  Cool.

In a mixing bowl, beat pudding mix and milk.  Add cream cheese and beat until smooth.  Spread over the baked puff.  Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Spread with whipped cream topping and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Drizzle with chocolate syrup before serving if you desire.

Share with family and friends, but beware.  It goes fast.  Make sure you get your piece first!

Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!


  1. Stopping by from Market Yourself Monday, this looks delicious and I am glad you got a photo this time!

  2. I'm drooling over here! This looks delish.

  3. So mouthwatering! Can't wait to try it!

  4. Oh my gosh. I just bookmarked this page. Thanks!

  5. oh this sounds delicious I love sweets like this come see what I shared

  6. Wow. This looks so yum!


  7. Oh, see what you did...nto I am drooling all over my computer!! :)
    Looks great!
    Following you from

  8. Bookmarked..this looks YUMMY!

  9. Well, this just looks delicious. I sure hope you swing by my sweet treats linky party tomorrow and link this up!!!

  10. It looks delicious. I love desserts like this.

    I'm a new follower, I'm really enjoying the recipes you have posted. :)

  11. This sounds so terrific. Thanks for posting it to What's On the Menu Wednesday:)

  12. Looks delicious. I'm from Full Plate Thursday, and I had to definitely stop by to see your recipe. I'm lovin' it.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm a new follower. Please stop by when you have a chance.


  13. Even if you didn't get the photo you wanted, this still sounds amazing!

    Thanks for linking up with Sweet Tooth Friday.

  14. Love this! Can't wait to try. I'm a sucker for cream =)

  15. This looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  16. Yum! I want a piece right now...even if it did land on it's top! ha.

  17. Hi Colletta,
    It is no wonder you can never get the photo before someone eats it all. This Cream Puff Cake looks awesome, and I can see why it would be your husbands favorite. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  18. ha, i would never get a photo of this either! thank you so so much for sharing! love this, love you, love your blog! ha. it's a party. i'll keep you updated if i make this!


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