
Monday, May 23, 2011

Cherry Covered Chocolate Cupcakes

It was Saturday afternoon and I was trying to decide on something to bake.  The recipes I was looking at either didn't jump out at me or I was missing an ingredient or two.

That is when I remembered making the Fruit Punch Cupcakes and had thought about trying different variations with Crystal Lite (or Great Value  hehe) Sugar Free Drink Powder.

I had a Fudge Chocolate cake mix in the cupboard and some cherry flavored drink mix.  And here is what they make when combined:

Cherry Covered Chocolate Cupcakes


Any variation of chocolate cake mix will do.  Mix per directions on box and add 1/2 tub/tube of cherry drink mix.  Bake per cupcake directions.

Cool completely.


1/2 cup Crisco

2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Powdered sugar
1/2 tub Cherry Drink Mix

Combine the first 4 ingredient in a mixing bowl and mix well. Add powdered sugar a bit at a time until you get a nice fluffy consistency. Add Cherry Drink Mix and mix well. Add more milk if needed. Beat on high until light and fluffy.

Put icing into a ziplock bag to pipe the icing on the cupcakes. Start with a dollop in the center and then start on the outside edge and work toward the middle and up over the center. This gives it some height.


If I had had some marachino cherries on hand I probably would have added one to the top of each cupcake.  yummmm....

Share with family and friends.

Laken, my 4yo, likes to help pipe the icing on the cupcakes.  I can't even begin to explain the difficulty of piping icing with two extra hands moving and squeezing the ziplock bag.  lol

Ahhh, the making of memories...

Please see my left sidebar for the places I'll be linking to!


  1. You had me at Cherry covered ... I love all things cherry... this recipe looks yummy!! hope all is well ..xo HHL

  2. Yum! I saw your blog from a link party and had to take a look at this! I am your newest follower and would love it if you took a look at my blog and followed me too!

  3. These look so pretty and sound delicious! Please share your recipe by linking up at Muffin Monday. Thanks!

  4. These muffins look so good since cherry and chocolate are a favorite combo of mine. Yummy! I love that you used up the old drink mix to make them.
    I wanted to invite you to link up your delicious looking cupcakes at These Chicks Cooked tomorrow (Wednesday). Have a good one!

  5. well, those just look adorable and delicious. wow. cherry soda as in, cherry coke? or cherry soda as in a fanta? thanks for sharing, love this. your blog is always so fun :)

  6. I hope you don't mind that I linked to this post on my blog! Here's the direct link:

    Thanks for an awesome recipe!


  7. Chocolate and cherry sound perfect to me.

  8. Jumped over from Helen's and this look delicious! Blessings, Beth

  9. Yum! Would love for you to link to my Memorial Day dessert recipe linky on!

  10. Thanks for sharing! This looks super yummy and very pretty! I am stopping by from the Strut Your Stuff Link Party. I am your newest follower and cannot wait to read more:) I would love to have you stop by my blog when you have a chance!

  11. Cute cupcakes! The icing sounds great!

  12. Thanks so much for coming by to show off your cupcakes this week. Have a fabulous long weekend ! Hope you can come share more recipes again this Wednesday!

  13. These and darling and look delicious!! Thanks for sharing! I am your newest follower and would love to have you come by my blog and follow back if you would like to!
    Camille @

  14. These cupcakes look wonderful. I bet they taste just as delicious! That a creative use of crystal light! :)

    I'm hosting a little giveaway on my blog. Please stop by to enter if you're interested. Here's the link:

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  15. Those look wonderfully good.

  16. Hi Colletta,
    These cupcakes are after my heart. I just love the combination of chocolate and cherry, yummy! Thanks for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!


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