
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Books I Took on Vacation

No book review toda, but.....

This week I'm planning on lots of sitting on the beach and beside the lake.  While the kids splash and play, I'm taking the following two books with me to read and relax.

They are the first two books of Denise Hunter's series "The New Heights".

I've loved everything I've read from Denise.  So, I decided to go back and read some of her older books.  These two have been sitting on my shelf for a while and the third is on my wishlist.

The cover of "Mending Places" is what made me pick these two books to take with me.


Mending Places (Hunter, Denise, New Heights Series.)
Hanna can forgive anything. But can she forgive this? One Woman Harboring a Painful Past Hanna Landin's past holds her captive. But the rugged mountain guide she hires to help the family's floundering mountain lodge makes her wish she could move beyond it. Can she save her grandmother's lodge from threats of sabotage? Can she forget that terrible night? One Man Hiding a Mysterious Secret Micah Gallagher lives with a load of guilt from past mistakes. He can conquer the slopes of the Grand Teton, but can he conquer the fear in his heart? His new boss seems determined to make him try, but Micah is strong enough to resist her...or is he? Two Lives Indelibly Intertwined Together Hanna and Micah face the past. But it's more horrifying than either of them feared, and Hanna faces the ultimate challenge of forgiveness. Micah will do anything to protect Hanna. But can he protect her from himself?

Saving Grace (The New Heights Series)

As if the jolt of becoming a single mom to her two sons wasn't enough, Natalie Coombs is facing new stresses as the director of the crisis pregnancy center. A teenager who comes in for testing brings back memories of another pregnant girl whose life tragically ended in suicide. Desperate to reach out to this client, Natalie crosses professional boundaries and incurs the wrath of a mysterious assailant. Even within her family, all is not well as her relationship with her sister becomes increasingly tense. Natalie is compelled to carefully count the cost of following her heart and her convictions amid betrayal, physical danger, and strained family relationships. Filled with human drama, readers will be easily drawn in as national issues become highly personal in this gripping tale of conflict and commitment.


So, Lord willing, I might be on the beach or a front porch chair right now reading one of these books.

Wish you were here!!

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