
Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm Moving to Etsy!

So, the decision has been made.


I've set my etsy shop up but haven't listed anything in it yet.  I'll let you know when I do.

It is called "Colletta's Kitchen Sink".  (just like my blog.  lol)

You can click on my new banner or  HERE to go add me to your favorites!  hint, hint.

I've moved most of the items in my ebay store to Online Auction for 5 days.  The auctions are starting with lower prices than Buy It Now.

I'd like to sell as much of the items on ebay as I can, so that I don't have to relist them in my etsy shop.  A fresh start would be easiest.  So, click on my ebay store button on the top left sidebar or HERE to check it out.

I'll let you know when I have my etsy shop stocked and running. 

My goal is to start adding some of my new items tomorrow and then anything I have left from my ebay store next week.  Maybe I'll even have a Grand Opening Party!


1 comment:

I love reading your comments! Unfortunately, due to spammers, I now have to moderate comments.