
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ebay VS. Etsy ?

This has been a crazy week!  My dad had surgery Tuesday and my whole schedule has just been off and it seems like I can't get caught up.

So, the heck with catching up!  I'm just going to start over from here.  lol

But, I would like some input.

Lately, I've been debating a switch from an ebay store to and etsy shop.

I started with an ebay store because I already had an account there and had sold some things here and there before.  Mainly books and movies.

I really want to get more into my crafting and was wondering if I would get the most benefit from staying with ebay or moving to an etsy store.  I've been seeing so many great etsy stores in blogland.  Maybe I have etsy envy.

What do you think?  Should I switch over?  Would it enhance and enlarge my customer base?

I'd love to know what your opinion is.  Anyone?

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