
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Audrey's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Audrey was my Gram's name.  I started making cookies with her from a time so long ago that I don't remember when it was.  Probably from the time I could stand up on a chair beside her and help.

I'm calling these cookies "Audrey's Chocolate Chip Cookies" because in my heart, that is what they are.  The recipe is also in my heart because I've made them so many times with her, and then on my own.  (sniff...sniff)  Wow, didn't think I'd get this emotional!

I'm not going to write the recipe out because I think it might be fun to give you a little scavenger hunt.  It might just be a scavenger hunt of your memory.

I graduated from high school in 1996.  Our Class Song was the theme from "Friends".  My friends and I loved that show!  We'd get together on Thursday's get our homework done and then have a Pepsi party and watch "Friends".  Hyped up on caffeine and friendship, we had a blast!

So here is the clue:  In one of the episodes, Monica is trying to figure out the recipe for Phoebe's grandmother's secret chocolate chip cookie recipe.  Phoebe's apartment had burned (it was Rachel's fault) and the recipe with it.  But she had 1 cookie in the freezer.  Monica was a chef and just knew that she could figure out the ingredients by taking little bites and then trying a batch of cookies.

There were cookies everywhere in the apartment because Monica just could not figure it out and it was driving her crazy.  It was hilarious!

So what does that have to do with "Audrey's Chocolate Chip Cookies"?  My grandmother's recipe is the exact same recipe as Phoebe's grandmother's recipe!

So who will fess up to being a "Friends" fan and to remembering that episode?

In honor of Gram and all that she taught me, I am offering homebaked "Audrey's Chocolate Chip Cookies" in my etsy shop. 

You can click HERE, on my banner below or my Shop's widget at the top right of my sidebar.  They will come in batches of 2 dozen or 4 dozen, but I can accomodate larger orders, if you desire!

Please see my left sidebar to see the great places I'll be linking to!

P.S.  If nobody comes up with the answer to the clue and you would like the recipe,leave a comment and I'll be glad to share!


  1. I almost posted chose my cookie jar full of a new recipe of chocolate chip cookies this week! My husband makes killer chocolate chip cookies, but I found a recipe that's vanilla-heavy that just might complete with his. ;-) Great idea for the scavenger hunt...and a delightful photo.

  2. I'm trying my best NOT to look at the comment ahead of me before I post this.

    Raising my hand that I knew RIGHT AWAY what the recipe was and even had a hunch just based on the "look" of them.

    That was such a funny episode, and this is a wonderful simple pleasure.

  3. I didn't become a Friends fan until years later, but it is a funny show. Those cookies look divine.

  4. Thank you for sharing...they look delicious! :-)

    Mrs. M.

    I was a very devoted fan of the show for quite sometime...then the children came ~

  5. Your post just made me laugh. I loved that episode. Seeing as how your recipe is a "secret" one, they must really be totally tasty. I hope you'll come by and link it up to Sweets for a Saturday.

  6. Oh Colletta what a beautiful sweet story about you and your Grandmother cooking together. Those look like awesome cookies. I just might have to order me some. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  7. I've watched the episodes so many times over, I usually know what will happen next, but I can still keep watching them over and over again.

    I know this one ... its a Nestle Tollhouse recipe.

    We don't get that here and I'd love to give these cookies a try if I had the recipe.

  8. Hilarious!! I knew right away!! This "recipe" would be perfect for my Foodie Friday linky party - stop by this week and link up!

    If you have a sec, feel free to pop over now to enter my GIVEAWAY!

    **Bloggy Tip of The Day - Make sure you have an email address associated with your profile to make it easier for people to reply to your comments!! :) **

  9. Amazingly easy and really looks delicious. I'm definitely craving for a plate of that right now. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. This is definitely a must do recipe this weekend since I got my Food Safety Training. Happy Valentines Day!!


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