
Monday, March 28, 2011

German Chocolate Bundt Cake

Once again, Monster Mama came through for me with another amazing recipe.  Most of us in my family love German Chocolate cake.  The rest are coconut haters.  Can you imagine not liking coconut?  I can't.

I made this bundt cake to take to a Hymn Sing at my Church.  We always have refreshments afterwards.  Actually, we have refreshments any time we get together!  lol

This cake is so deliciously moist.  It was absolutely wonderful.

Laken helped me add the finishing touches.  You can see her little hand there at the top of the picture.  She's such a sweetie pie.  Or should it be cake?

German Chocolate Bundt Cake 

1 Box German Chocolate Cake Mix
1 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 can German Chocolate Icing
mini chocolate chips
sweetented coconut flakes
white canned icing (melted)

Preheat oven to 350 and grease you bundt pan.

Mix cake mix, oil, water and eggs.  Beat until blended.  Stir in German Chocolate Icing until completely inforcorporated.

Pour into prepared bundt pan and bake for about 45 minutes (mine actually took about 55 minutes, so keep an eye on it until done). 

Let the cake sit for about 10 minutes then invert it onto a serving platter.  Be careful!  Take your time.  (I was shocked at how beautifully mine turned over for me.)  Cool completely.

Spoon abot half of the white into a microwave safe bowl.  Heat for 20 seconds.  Stir.  Heat for another 20 seconds.  Stir.  This should give the right consisitency for drizzling.  Drizzle white icing over the top of the bundt cake.

Sprinkle the top with coconut and mini chocolate chips.  (This is where Laken helped me out.  She loves to help me cook and bake!)

Share with family and friends.

Let me know if you try this recipe and what you think.

Would you like a bite?

Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!

**P.S.  Don't forget to enter my birthday giveaway.  See my top right sidebar for the link!**


  1. i would love a bite... or two... or the whole cake! :D my jeans thank this cake for being a virtual indulgence!

    thanks for linking up to mangia mondays!

  2. I just love Mickey's blog too! And this looks amazing!!! How did I miss this one?!?! This is definitely on my to do list now!

  3. Adding the frosting right into the cake sounds amazing. I bet it adds a great flavor and moisture to the cake. It's a great bundt.

  4. It looks amazingly yummy. As a rule, I don't like coconut either, but I am finding as I get older that I'm starting to like it more, lol!

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  5. This looks just amazing!

    I'd love to have you stop by and share this recipe on Sweet Tooth Friday.

  6. I live in Vienna and I often have this at home but I have not done it yet by myself...I will try. Thanks for sharing!

  7. This looks amazing! I would love to try it and I just might do it! Thanks!

  8. I really would love to have a bite. Im your new follower and I saw your cake through blog hop. Marelie @

  9. was so good! I'm definitely going to make it sometime soon.

    Can't imagine not liking coconut.

  10. this looks seriously great! thanks for sharing, lots of love happening for this and all your posts :)

  11. Hi Coletta,
    I am so glad you brought this cake, I was looking for a cake that I could take for the Youth Auction at church. They are trying to raise money for camp. I am sure your group does the same. This is a great cake for the auction. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week! (Our Youth Thank you to)

  12. This really looks good. thanks for sharing it.


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