
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Decorating My Monthly Journal

Today is the first day of a new month.  That means, I get to start a new journal!

There is just something about notebooks and paper that I love.   Especially new ones.  So I treat myself to a new journal each month.

Here is my journal for March.  Brand-spankin' new!  Isn't it pretty?

 Now, I'll show you have I treat myself to a new journal monthly for very little cost.  It all starts with a composition book from the Dollar Tree where everything is, you guessed it, $1.

I made a template of the journal cover so that I don't have to try to measure it each time I decorate a new one.

What I use to decorate the covers are calendars.  Either old ones or new ones that I find at the Dollar Store at the end of the year. 

Hint:  The thicker the calendar pages are the better they work.

So I take my "window template" and all my collected calendars and play around until I find the "picture" I want for the month.  I then trace around it, cut it out and modge podge it to the cover of my journal.

Next, I received a free calendar in the mail that was too small to use for a journal cover but has perfect month headings.

I just cut out the month/year going around the writing detail and modge podge that on the cover where I like it best.  You can also add any detailing or decoration that you would like.  Ribbons, rick-rack, etc.

 I also find a printable calendar on the internet and tape it inside the front cover of my journal for easy reference.

This was my "January Journal".  All filled up with writing now.

This is my "February Journal" that I said goodbye to last night.

And once again, here is my "March Journal" ready and waiting to be filled up with my words.

This is so easy to do and gives me such a Simple Pleasure each and every month.

Please check out my sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!


  1. I LOVE to alter journals! I use scrapbook paper and mod podge. I never thought to use an old calendar. Maybe that's what I'll bring on Saturday.

  2. How stunning, stunning, stunning your journals. I am so glad to have stopped by. I've always wondered what to do with beautiful calendars. Luv to buy calendars because of the art work. Never knew what to do with them after the year passed. So, I have a drawer full of calendars. This is such a lovely idea. Thank you so much for sharing. This and the sunshine today really make me happy.

  3. Love your blog! What a great idea for a journal cover-----thanks for sharing!

  4. What a wonderful idea and a terrific way to use old calendar pages. They're usually so pretty that they beg reuse.

    I think making a monthly journal could be a wonderful creative outlet for me. I love to decoupage. It's about as crafty as I get, but I love it.

    This is a great simple pleasure.

  5. That is just great...and what a nice finished product...a great simple pleasure, how creative.

  6. That is nice, simple, inexpensive, and pretty! Love it!

  7. Great ideas to make a lovely journal!
    Coletta, thank you for sharing them :-)

  8. Colletta, this is a new idea to me and I'm just loving it. I agree ... a true simple pleasure to decorate your own journal, and not a lot of money. Love it!

  9. Hi Colletta,
    Love your idea of journals.
    I always like to buy a calendar with the biggest and emptiest daily spaces I can find. I record appointments, daily doings,and family birthdays etc.We have a saying in our family--"If it's not on Mum's calendar-it didn't happen"
    I laminate two pictures (back to back) from calendars to use as placemats.12 months =6 placemats.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  10. A great re-cycle idea. These journals look fantastic!

  11. Oh, I love your idea! Do you fill up the entire journal? What all do you journal in it?

  12. They are very pretty and so creative. How great that you are doing this.

    When I was a kid I kept a journal until I was in my early to mid 20's. Then I was working anywhere from 8-16 hours a day and I just got out of the habit and never got in it again.

    However, my mom has kept a journal for years and years and YEARS!

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  13. Really good post!


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