
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekly Bible Study Update ~ 2/20/11


1st Place for Health.  
"God's Best for Your Life". 
Week 6 ~ "God's Best for Your Appearance".

God's Best for Your Life  -     
        By: First Place 4 Health
Memory Verse:  "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  1 Samuel 16:7.

Day 1:  True Values
Day 2:  Heart Check
Day 3:  Unique You
Day 4:  Inner Beauty
Day 5:  What's Truly Important
Day 6:  Reflection and Application
Day 7:  Reflection and Application

How do we judge others?  Do we judge them by our first impression, meaning what they look like?

How do we judge ourselves?  We need to look at our heart and make sure it is beautiful and godly.

We were created in God's image and are perfect in His sight. 

Next:  God's Best for Your Attitude

"Walking With Women Through the Word" with Wendy Pope
One Year Chronological Bible in the New Living Translation.
February 13- February 19, 2011

NLT One Year Chronological Bible, Large Print Softcover  -

This week got a bit hard to read through.  Especially when it started talking about skin conditions and seeping.  GROSS!!

God gave the instructions for the Tabernacle and for making sacrifices.  The priests then carried out these instructions.  Except for Nadab and Abihu and they met a bad end. 

There were a few days that I had to double up on my reading.  This week was crazy busy and it just seemed like I couldn't get caught up on anything. 

Hopefully this week will be calmer and back to a normal (whatever that is) schedule.

 "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.  
Online Bible Studies with Melissa Taylor.
Chapters 13-15

Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food  -     
        By: Lysa TerKeurst

Chapter 13:  Overindulgence
Chapter 14:  Emotional Emptiness
Chapter 15:  The Demon in the Chips Poster

Once again, I had to read the last 2 chapters assigned on Saturday.
I started out strong and read Chapter 13 on schedule.  Actually I read it sitting in the Pittsburgh VA Hospital waiting room while my dad was having a CT Scan.

After that, everything else just seemed to get in the way.  I had it on my list everyday and it just kept getting shoved back.

I did stick to my "plans" pretty well, though.  I have learned a lot in this study.

This is the last week for the Made to Crave study with Melissa Taylor.  Her next online study starts on March 20, 2011 and we will be studying It's No Secret by Rachel Olsen.  I already have my book and am looking forward to starting the study.

We will still be encouraging each other in our MTC journey toward healthiness through Melissa's blog and also on the Facebook page.

I'm going to try to go out with a bang on this study and stay on schedule with my homework not to mention my food and exercise plans!

Say a little prayer for me!


Have a great week everyone!

Please see my side bar for the wonderful places I'll be linking to!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great you are doing so well with this Bible study. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.


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