
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekly Bible Study Update ~ 2/13/11


It is so amazing how all these studies seem to correlate to each and work off of each other to really hit me where I need it.
1st Place for Health.  
"God's Best for Your Life". 
Week 5 ~ "God's Best for Your Waiting Rooms".

God's Best for Your Life  -     
        By: First Place 4 Health
Memory Verse:  "While we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good."  Titus 2:13-14

Day 1:  Waiting for the Day
Day 2:  Mentoring and Being a Role Model
Day 3:  Eager to Do Good
Day 4:  Wisdom Waits
Day 5:  Getting Ready
Day 6:  Reflection and Application
Day 7:  Reflection and Application

Our lives are full of waiting.  Waiting for things in this world and the ultimate waiting for the Lord to come back to take us to Heaven to spend eternity with Him.

When we wait, do we waste our time or do we use it wisely?

While waiting for the Lord to come, we are to do good deeds, encourage our fellow Christians, comfort each other, make disciples of all nations and be ready.  Be ready so that God will call each of us "good and faithful stewards".

I've had to ask this question of myself this week:  "How do I take care of what God has given me?"  Besides the fact that my house is a wreck right now, tomorrow is cleaning day, I try to take care of our home and my family to the best of my ability.  Lately, though, I've been realizing that taking care of the body God gave me is so very important.  I fall very short there, but am trying to remedy that neglect.

With the Lord's help, I can be productive while in my Waiting Rooms and not sit idly while hiding my talents.
I've been pretty consistent this week in completing my 1st Place study in the morning.  There were a few days that I was later than usual but I stayed current and that makes such a big difference in getting the full effect of the study.

Next:  God's Best for Your Appearances  (oh boy!)

"Walking With Women Through the Word" with Wendy Pope
One Year Chronological Bible in the New Living Translation.
February 6- February 12, 2011

NLT One Year Chronological Bible, Large Print Softcover  -

This week's reading was about God's directions for building the Tabernacle and the Instruments.  Then the actual building of the Tabernacle was described.

Some parts got repetitive.  But, the message I get from that is that they followed the commands the Lord had given Moses exactly as they had promised they would.  Exactly as described.

Do I follow the commands the Lord has given me with such dedication and precision or am I haphazard in following the Lord's commands?

I am happy to say that I stayed current on my reading this week.  Nightly, before bedtime.
Come join us.  You can start anytime.

 "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.  
Online Bible Studies with Melissa Taylor.
Chapters 10-12

Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food  -     
        By: Lysa TerKeurst

Chapter 10:  This Isn't Fair
Chapter 11:  Stinkin', Rotten, Horrible, No Good Day
Chapter 12:  The Curse of the Skinny Jeans
Our key word for this week was "TRUTH". 

So, I'll tell you the truth.  I did not stay on schedule with my study this week.  I was on time with Chapter 10 but had to get caught up with Chapters 11 and 12 on Saturday.

Let me tell you something.  I paid the consequences.  I had more than one "Stinkin', Rotten, Horrible, No Good Day" and thought more than once "This isn't fair".  I didn't meet my exercise goal and I was very lenient on my food plan.  It all added up to a 1 pound gain instead of a loss.  If I had read those chapter on the days assigned, it would have made a big difference in my attitude and actions.

But I learned a major lesson.  Even though others may not have to watch every bite they eat and exercise every day, I do.  If I want to take care of my body, lose weight and get healthy and then even maintain that healthy weight, I have to work hard. 

Before I had kids, I knew this.  It is hereditary.  Slow metabolism and big butts and hips.  After I had kids, I guess I thought that I shouldn't have to worry so much about maintaining myself.  After-all I had had already snagged my hubby (I'll admit it), I had too much other stuff to do and because of the stress of life I deserved to treat myself.

Not true.  My body still belongs to God and I need to be a faithful steward of what He has given me.  Even if I have to work harder than others to do so.  I can push through those blah days without giving in to stressful eating. 

God is my portion and only He can fill those empty places.  He will also give me the power and the strength to succeed.

Now to reset my thinking and start this next week on the right foot.  Then the left.  Then the right.  Do you get it?  Exercise !  Corny, I know.  Maybe if it were corn on the cob....


Have a great week everyone!

Please see my side bar for the wonderful places I'll be linking to!


  1. You are so right about working hard and being a good steward with what God has given us. I, too, have to work extra hard with my weight and even now since all I ever do is sit. I have gained some since taking this job, today Pops and I commited ourselves to try harder and snack less. I will pray for you. I love you and miss you terribly. Give the girls a big hug from me.

  2. I just found your blog and you have given me so much encouragement!
    Thank you:)


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