
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Princess Cupcakes

As I've mentioned, my groundhog baby turned 4 yesterday.  She chose Princess Cupcakes over a traditional cake.  Have I told you that she's my rebel?  lol

 She loves to help in the kitchen and was with me every step of the way.  She put the liners in the pans, she helped mix the cake, she helped put the batter in the liners and helped take them out when they were cool.  She helped mix the icing, picked the color and even chose the sprinkles.  I piped the icing on but she put the crowns on top.

We saved one for Pappy without icing (he's diabetic).  He ate that one and had one with icing when Grandma wasn't looking!

Princess Cupcakes

1 Funfetti or Party Cake Mix
1 1/4 cups water
4 egg whites
Princess Cupcake liners (Wal-mart)

Mix all 3 ingredients together.  Fill lined muffin tins 2/3 full.  (I have a nifty Pampered Chef scoop that is just the right amount).

Bake at 350 for 18 minutes.

Cool completely.

Pink Fluffy Icing

1/2 cup Crisco
2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Powdered sugar
Pink food coloring
Pink Sprinkles

Combine the first 4 ingredient in a mixing bowl and mix well.  Add powdered sugar a bit at a time until you get a nice fluffy consistency.  Add more milk if needed.  Beat on high until light and fluffy.

Add the food coloring for the color desired.

Put icing into a ziplock bag to pipe the icing on the cupcakes.  Start with a dollop in the center and then start on the outside edge and work toward the middile and up over the center.  This gives it some height.

Sprinkle and let your helper put the crown picks on top.

Let your helper "lick" the icing bowl.  (optional)


This picture says it all...

P.S.  She isn't droopy eyed.  It just seems like it in all the pictures.  She is just flinching from the flash.  I think this one was take 3!  lol

Please see my sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!


  1. Hi Coletta,
    What a precious little Princess and your cupcakes for her look adorable. Thank you for sharing such special memories with us here at Full Plate Thursday. You have a great week end and please come back!

  2. She is are the cupcakes! Isn't it fun to do this with little ones?


  3. Those are so cute, so is the princess :)

  4. How cute, those cupcakes really are fit for a princess. How wonderful that the two of you were able to do this together. i hope you'll come by and link this up to Sweets for a Saturday #3.


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