
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Movie Review: "A Change of Plans"

"A Change of Plans"

Movie Description:
Up to this point, Sally Danville's life has played out just as she hoped it would. A beautiful and free-spirited musician, she and her fighter-pilot husband, Jason, live life on the go, free of domestic responsibilities. But with a single phone call from Child & Family Services case worker, Dorothy (Phylicia Rashad, The Cosby Show), she learns that things don't always go according to plan.

Sally (Brooke White, American Idol) is met with the news that her best friend from college has died in a tragic accident on a Peace Corps mission and has named Sally the legal guardian of her four kids - 3 of them adopted from third-world countries.

Now Sally and Jason (Joe Flanigan, Stargate Atlantis) must quickly learn to parent this instant family and help the kids deal with the culture clash of life in America. The story is both humorous and heartwarming, revealing how fulfilling life can be when you look beyond your own plans and invest in the lives of others.

Click HERE to go the movie website were you can see the cast, the trailer, pictures and music from the movie.  It will also show you some upcoming Family Movie Night movies. 

My Thoughts:

This is such a great movie! 

I didn't get to watch it last Friday night because I got the call that my dad was being discharged from the VA Hospital in Pittsburgh and we headed straight out to bring him and my mom home.  Very happy about that.

I did take the time to watch it one quiet afternoon this week and loved it!

Brooke White is great and I'm looking forward to seeing her in more movies as well as hearing her music.

I have to mention one of the commercials I saw during the movie.  That I saw it was odd because I usually fast-forward through commercials on DVR'd shows.

But this commercial had kids saying about "when I get adopted" and then things like, "my dad will teach me how to ride a bike" and "my mom will tuck me in at night".  I'm getting goose bumps again just thinking about it and my eyes are tearing up.

It made me want to go adopt a child even though I can barely keep up with the ones I have.

I definitely appreciate my family much more now.  I hope I remember that when I'm up to my neck in dirty clothes and mouthy girls not wanting to listen.


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  2. We don’t have cable but we have been buying these on DVD. So far we have seen A Walk in My Shoes, The Jensen Project and The Secrets of the Mountain. we have noyed them all. We are looking forward to purchasing this next.From your review it sounds as good as the others.Thanks for sharing.

  3. We have never adopted but I have a few friends that have. It's been a joy to see their precious children come over (sometimes not knowing the language) and see them grow and change and love and be loved by their forever family.

    Sounds like a great movie! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday.


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