
Monday, January 17, 2011

Book Review: "The Vigilante's Bride" by Yvonne Harris

Vigilante's Bride

Book Description:

Robbing a stagecoach on Christmas Eve and kidnapping a woman passenger is the last thing Luke Sullivan expects to do. He just wanted to reclaim the money stolen from him, but ends up with a feisty copper-haired orphan thrown over his shoulder who was on her way to marry Sullivan's bitter enemy.

Emily McCarthy is an orphan out of options. Forced to marry because she was too old for her orphanage, she doesn't take kindly to her "rescue." Still she trusts God can turn any situation to good especially when it seems Sullivan may just be the man of her dreams.

But Sullivan's crossed a dangerous man unused to losing and Emily may just be the prize he's unwilling to sacrifice.

My Thoughts:

I absolutely love the cover and backcover of this book.  Just had to say that.

When Luke kidnaps Emily and takes her to the orphanage that he grew up in and now calls home, Emily makes herself right at home.  I don't blame because I wouldn't want to marry a man old enough to be my grandfather, especially when she was practically being forced to.

Despite that, Luke and Emily have a love/hate relationship from the start.  Some of their bantering was so funny  and some of the situations they find themselves in made me laugh out loud.

The end seemed a little forced to me.  Indians and cowboys swapping clothes and multiple herds of cattle going in different directions.

I really enjoyed most of the book and who doesn't like a happy ending?

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