
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Book Review: "Two Brides Too Many" by Mona Hodgson

Two Brides Too Many

Book Description:

Kat and Nell Sinclair are headed west -- away from the manicured lawns of Maine to the boisterous, booming mining town of Cripple Creek, Colorado to start new lives for themselves as mail-order brides. — Aboard the train, romantic dreamer Nell carries a photo of her intended close to her heart and imagines an exciting and love-filled future, while her pragmatic older sister Kat resigns herself to marriage as a duty, not a delight.

But when the ladies disembark at the train depot, neither fiancĂ© Patrick Maloney or Judson Archer awaits them with open arms. The well-bred Sinclair sisters find themselves unexpectedly alone in the wild, frontier town -- a place where fire threatens to reduce the buildings to rubble, the working women strut the streets, rogues will gamble for the shoes on one’s feet, and God’s grace is found amongst the most unlikely of folks.
My Thoughts:
This book started out very abruptly.  It went from a normal Sunday afternoon and the next thing I know two of the sisters have found husbands via mail-order and are on a train almost at their destination of Cripple Creek.
It took me a while to get Kat and Nell straight in my head.  Which one was which and who their husband-to-be was.
Once the book really got going, I'd say half-way through, I got into it a little more.  It started having more depth and description as well as actual interaction between the main characters.
This book left me wanting more.  It felt like it was two books crammed into one.  I think each story could have benefited from it's own book.  It felt a little smooshed.
I loved the concept.  I was just anticipating more.
I know, not very nice for my first book review of the new year.   :(

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