
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Book Review: "LFYI Sister, Oregon" by Melody Carlson

Love Finds You in Sisters, Oregon

Book Description:

Hope Bartolli has avoided Sisters for years -- both her hometown of Sisters, Oregon and her two sisters who live there. But when the 32-year-old corporate lawyer returns home to attend her beloved grandmother's funeral, she's surprised to learn that she has inherited Nana's old house, her little dog Andy, and an unexpected friendship with Nana's attorney, Lewis.

If she had any hopes of burying the hatchet with her sisters, these gifts from Nana aren't going to help. But the more Hope is reacquainted with old friends and the charming town she once loved, the harder, she realizes, it will be to return to her fast-paced city routine.

She wants more out of life -- but is she willing to take the risks to get it? And can she trust her family to stand by her side?

My Thoughts:

I was really excited to read this book because I know there is a huge quilt show in Sisters, Oregon and it is mentioned along with lots of other fun things that goes on there.  I wish I lived closer and could go to some!

The story between Nona and Hope really touched me.  Although I can't imagine going 10 years without see my grandmother.  Hope had her reasons I guess, which do come out in the book.

Most of the book is about the family dynamics.  The sisters do not get along at all.  Hope does, however, get very close to her niece and nephew which complicates matters even more.

As they worked through their issues one-by-one, it seemed like another would pop up.  Such is the way in family.  At least mine and I'm guessing lots of others.

There is a hint of romance between Hope and Lewis through the book but I was surprised at how fast it went from being something casual and on the next page it is a full blown romance.  It seemed a little fast to me.

But I was OK with that because I think the true love story in the book was about the sisters finding love for each other and uniting as a family again.

Just want Nona wanted, I think.

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