
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Book Review: "The Cubicle Next Door" by Siri L. Mitchell

The Cubicle Next Door

Book Description:

Siri Mitchell’s insightful, funny chick-lit style shines in this story of putting up walls and tearing them down—all for love.

Jackie Harrison, a computer administrator at the Air Force Academy, is a self-proclaimed geek who must share her cubicle space with the new guy, instructor and former pilot Joe Gallagher. She turns to her online journal to vent and eventually to express growing feelings toward this office neighbor who is everything she is not—fun, happy, and social.

But when her blog is featured as a top pick on primetime news, everyone reads it—including Joe. Will he figure out the words of adoration and confusion are written about him? And will Jackie ever risk expressing her heart offline?

My Thoughts:


I picked it up to start reading it.  Just a few chapters.  Nope.

I read it cover-to-cover in one evening.  I took a brief intermission to make supper.  Actually I read it while I made supper.

I couldn't put it down.  I had to see what was going to happen next.

The interaction between Joe and Jackie and Jackie's grandmother and her friends was hysterical.  I loved every word and every scene.

Anyone will like this book, but I think bloggers will get a little something extra out of it.

Just thinking about how much I loved reading this book is making me excited again!

A definite MUST read!

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