
Friday, December 17, 2010

My Very First Crocheted Hat!

I did it!  I actually crocheted a hat.  An actual one that I would wear in public and plan on doing so.

The pattern I used is Bobble Beauty.

I used Red Heart Super Saver in "SH Browns" and a "k" hook.

And here it is!

I'm pretty happy with it even though I know I added some extra stitches here and there.  The second one should be better.  Kaylee has already "ordered" one.  lol

Also, here are some more headband that I made.

Mom wanted a plain black one.  I told her I was going to make a wild, crazy, colorful flower for on it to liven it up a bit but I knew she really wanted just a plain black one.  She's not really the wild, crazy, colorful type.

Now, this one, I made for my 3 year old.  She is the wild, crazy and colorful type.  This was before I found a good pattern for a flower.  This flower is very piddly and rinky dink.

This one, I made to match my brown coat.  But look, I added some color in there!

I guess, I'll work on Kaylee's hat next.  I have another pattern that I want to try.  Mayble I'll be brave!

Linking to:


  1. AWESOME!!!!
    great job! Wear it proudly!!

    Thanks for linking up to Fibers on Friday!!

  2. Love the colors and good job for your first hat!

  3. I love it. Good work. You are so talented, just like your mom and grandma.
    Love you, miss you. Give the girls a hug for me.

  4. yay! Good for you! You did beautifully!


  5. My 15 year old crocheting daughter squealed when she saw this hat and she wanted the pattern (printing now). So cute! Thank you for sharing and great job!


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