
Monday, December 6, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Last week, my good bloggy friend Heckety from "Heckety Beck" offered to send me some of her snow from Ireland.

Well, Heckety, I no longer need Irish snow (although I would love to be in Ireland someday when it is snowing) because I now have Pennsylvania snow!

This is what we woke up to this morning.  Not a huge amount, but it will do for now.  I took these pictures before it was fully daylight.  I think it makes them even prettier.

The girls playground area:

The other end of the yard where our slowly growing Dogwood Tree stands.

Our back deck.

Kaylee's first words upon seeing the snow:  "Do we have a delay?"  For this much snow, honey?  No way.

Go over and visit Heckety, she's a great friend who is trying to teach the little ones at school their Christmas program.  Give her some bloggy love!

Linking to:


  1. I am loving all the snow we're getting...even if it does make me a little unpopular!

  2. I'm usually a big old kid with snow. I DON'T wish it here right now or until I finish with my road running, but I would be just like you and find the real PLEASURE in it if I do get some.

    This was a great simple pleasures post.

  3. Thanks for sharing I send our snow your way :)

  4. We too recieved out first snow of the season...I love the first snow then Im ready for winter to be over. Thanks for sharing!

  5. it's night it really does look pretty....we haven't gotten any snow yet. I like the first big blast and having snowball fights with the kids. After that...I just dream of summer. ☺

  6. Your snow is very pretty! It must have been sooo quiet when you captured these lovely early morning scenes :-)


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