
Friday, December 10, 2010

Elementary Lady Hornets ~ Opening Game

Last Friday was the first game for the Elementary Lady Hornets Basketball team. 

Here are a few pictures of them warming up before the game.  Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures.  I just couldn't get my settings right :(

Right before the game started.  The ref talking to Steve and Bobby.  There's my girl all the way on the end!

Tip off... Not a good picture at all, but Kara did a great job going against "Goliath".

The girls on defense.  Hand ups!

Ready and waiting...Looks like Bobby had something to say...

Time out...Coach Bobby giving a pep talk.  I can't imagine him doing anything else.  He is a great coach.

Kaylee and Josie on the line waiting to rebound the file shots.  Look how huge the other team was compared to our girls!

They play again tonight and then are off until after the New Year.  Next week is a bye.

Let go, LADY HORNETS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved watching my kids play sports!! Does she look for you and wave or ignore you?


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