
Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Card Prayers

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I've been enjoying getting Christmas cards at church and Christmas Cards in the mail.  I have them on a pile on my desk at the moment.

Usually, I tape them around the arches in my house, but they inevitably fall down one by one and that can get very aggravating.

My mom has a great tradition with her Christmas cards.  After Christmas is over and things settle down she gets a little blue that the holidays are over.  So, she takes an afternoon and sits down at the table with all her Christmas cards that she received and reads over them one by one.  Really taking the time to appreciate each one in a way that she was unable to do when she received them.

I just discovered another way to put our Christmas cards to use during the entire year.  Put them in a basket and everyday pull out one card and pray for that person/family.

I  got this idea over at Lessons Learned, Lessons Lived, and Lessons Still to Come.

I love the idea of having those Christmas greetings around throughout the whole year to help keep the Christmas spirit going and also as reminder of family and friends who cared enough to give me a card.

I might keep them on my bedside table and each night along with my devotions and journaling, pull a card and take some extra time talking to God about that person. 

Or maybe once week, pick one card and send that person a note or card of encouragement as well.

Don't you just love that idea?  Christmas all year long...

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