
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Book Review: "Love Remains" by Kaye Dacus

The Matchmakers Book 1

Love Remains (The Matchmakers, Bk 1)

Book Description:

All grandparents want to see their grandchildren happy -- especially when it comes to love! So it's perfectly natural that "the matchmakers" would take an interest in putting Zarah Mitchell and Bobby Patterson together when he moves back to Nashville to work for the Tennessee Criminal Investigations Unit. But what if it's Zarah he's investigating?

My Thoughts:

When I started this book I wondered where exactly it was going.  The characters had known each other 14 years ago and their grandmother's just happened to be best friends on the other side of the country?  A little to convenient, but I guess that is fiction.

As the story progressed and it got into some details of their history together and what made each character unique, I got more into the storyline.

I love Zarah's "sisters" and am hoping to read more about them in future books in this series.

The grandmother's are lovable and makes me miss mine all the more.

Bobby is almost the perfect hero for a Christian Romance.  Has loved the same women for 14 years, has attended church and has strict moral character.

I can say that I enjoyed this book very much and hate the fact that the next one doesn't release until May 2011 (I think.) 

I Love to Read

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