
Monday, November 1, 2010

German Chocolate Upside Down Cake

Our Church Mission Sunday Dinner theme last month was "German".  I had this recipe in my to-try pile and this was the perfect oppurtunity.  I found the recipe and picture (I forgot to take a picture before I took it to church) at .

German Chocolate Upside Down Cake

1/2 stick butter
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup coconut
1 German Chocolate cake mix
Ingredients to make the cake mix according to the directions
8 Oz. cream cheese
1 lb. powdered sugar

Melt butter in bottom of a 9 X 13 pan.

Sprinkle the pecans and coconut on top of the melted butter.

Mix the German Chocolate cake mix according to the package directions.  Pour the batter over the coconut and pecans in the pan.

Beat the cream cheese and the powdered sugar together.  Dollop onto the cake evenly so that each piece will have some.

Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes.

To serve, cut it out and turn each piece upside down on the plate.


This cake was delicious!  So moist and creamy and rich all at the same time.  A definite repeater.

I think everyone at the Church Mission Sunday Dinner liked it too!  This is definitely worth trying.

Let me know if you try it and what you think!

Linking to:

Made By You Monday
Making Your Home Sing
Homemaker Monday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Tuesdays at the Table
Homemaking Link-up
Strut Your Stuff Thursday
Simple Pleasures
Foodie Friday
Fantabulous Friday
Potluck Sunday


  1. Looks good, if I only liked coconut.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  2. Yummy, yummy to my tummy as the kids will sing! I love chocolate cakes.

  3. German Chocolate Cake is my favorite cake next to Coconut Cake...this looks so yummy! :o)

  4. I agree with everyone else, it does look yummy! Thanks for sharing and thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  5. Sure sounds easy enough. Not sure that I can find a German chocolate cake mix around here though. :/ Hope you are having a terrific Thursday! Tammy

  6. German Chocolate + Waaaay easy
    = I'm in!

  7. oh this looks so yummy thanks for sharing

  8. All this food at the Simple Pleasures party is making me HUNGRY! But what's a party without food, huh?

    Oh my! This cake sounds so yummy. I am definitely going to try it.

  9. When I'm asked for my favorite, FAVORITE cake, it's German chocolate. I love it. However, it's time consuming and not all that easy. This is just terrific!! I'm totally saving it to the file.

    Without a doubt, German Chocolate is one big simple pleasure.

  10. Anything German Chocolate...we are big fans! Going to have to make this for the holidays!! Blessings, K

  11. Has anyone made the german chocolate upside down cake from the chocolate book in a bundt pan? I was thinking you could still put the coconut and nuts in the botton and make a tunnle of fudge effect with the cream cheese mixture.


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