
Friday, November 26, 2010

Doily From My Mama

My mom made a doily just like this one and I thought it was so pretty that Iasked her to make me one just like it.  I'll have to ask her what the name of the pattern is.

It is rather large and filled pretty much the center of my dining room table.  Perfect for sitting my basket of flowers on top. 

Here is a close-up of the rose.

She has been on a doily kick for a while.  She makes them and puts little tags with the pattern name on it and is getting quite a collection.

She is great at reading patterns. I'm just starting to learn how to read patterns and have to ask her lots of questions.  So far I've made the Headband Earwarmer and a little sweater for my cockapoo.  (Pictures forthcoming).

She recently had me find a pattern book for a doily named "Audrey".  My grandmother's name who passed away.  Mom is now making each of her sisters one in different colors.

I'll try to get a picture of hers and show it to you.  It is a beautiful pattern.


  1. It is absolutly beautiful and it looks so delicate.

  2. I know each of you will cherish your doll.

  3. Truly a beautiful work of art. This a a wonderful skill to learn. I treasure the ones my grandmother and mother have made and generously gifted me. xo HHL

  4. I love that. It is so pretty. My mom used to have a similar one, but the roses were red. I was just a little girl but I remember it like it was yesterday.

  5. Lovely. I love doilies. I have some of my grandma's and some made by my mom. I never took them up for some reason.

  6. It is just beautiful! I love to crochet & have been wanting to make some sort of doily again. I would consider making this one, its really just lovely.

    Thanks for posting!


  7. Oh, it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing it!

  8. That is just so beautiful! I'm not surprised you wanted one too!


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