
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Book Review: "Flee the Night" by Susan May Warren

Team Hope Book 1

Flee the Night (Team Hope, Bk 1)
Book Description:

Ex-CIA operative Lacey Montgomery is a liar, a murderer, and a fugitive -- or is she? Former Green Beret Jim Micah must either prove her innocence or bring her to justice. Too bad his heart won't stay out of the way. With a little girl's life and national secrets hanging in the balance, Jim and Lacey must trust God to help them flee the secrets of the night.

My Thoughts:

Wow!  This book was a nail-biter!

Talk about action and intrigue.  This book was full of it.  The entire span of the book was less than a week but it was so full that I didn't feel shorted.

The way the author goes back in time to fill in the back-story between the two main characters is brilliant.  A piece here.  A piece there until the pieces are all fit together for a wonderful history.

The characters were great, too!  I fell a little bit in love with Jim Micah.  I could feel Lacey's pain and worry over her daughter.  The writing was excellent.

I'm looking forward to reading more about the characters in the following Team Hope books.

Definitely a great read!

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