
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1st Place 4 Health ~ Walking In Grace Week 1

This past Sunday our 1st Place 4 Health group started a new study titled "Walking in Grace".  (click on the title for an Amazon link.)

The first week of every study is a "Welcome" and a time to overview the new book and set goals for the 12 weeks of the study.  Here is an overview of the chapters and my personal goals.


Week 1:  Welcome
Week 2:  Gift of Grace
Week 3:  Grace to Be Ourselves
Week 4:  Saved By Grace
Week 5:  Encouragement of Grace
Week 6:  Transformed by Grace
Week 7:  Connected to Grace
Week 8:  Strengthened by Grace
Week 9:  Living in Grace
Week 10:  Responding in Grace
Week 11:  Sharing Grace
Week 12:  Time to Celebrate!

My Goals:


-Strengthen my relationship with God.
-Maintain a daily Prayer, Bible reading and Study Time.
-Learn the Memory Verse each week and try to remember the address.


-Chart my measurements
-Exercise 15 miles or more per week.
-Have at least 3 good eating days per week.  (to start)
-Dare I say lose 15 lbs?  Maybe 10 lbs?


-Continue taking my meds and vitamins striving to stay on an even keel.
-Know my limits and try not to overwhelm myself with obligations.
-Exercise my brain muscle with study, reading, blogging & crafting.


-Lean on God for my strength.
-Love on my husband and kids and soak in their love for me.
-Take care of my responsibilities to the best of my ability and feel good about it.

-Have meaningful, loving relationships with my family and church family.
I pray for the strength, courage and motivation I'll need to work toward these goals.  I ask that you pray for me also.
Here I go!


  1. Your goals sound great and doable! I still need to set mine. I guess it'll take a few weeks til I get used to the study.

    Can't wait to see you Saturday!!

  2. This is a very timely post. I too am doing First Place 4 Health. I just started in Sept. We are doin the study "The Power of Hope." Some parts of this have been really great for me.
    You have some great goals looks like your focused. I need to work more on that.

  3. Best wishes on your First Place journey. It was successful for me!


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