
Monday, October 4, 2010

My Menu Planning Method

Lately I've been seeing lots of ideas on how to menu plan.  I thought I'd share what works for me.

In our house, payday comes every two weeks on a Thursday.  That Thursday is also my set Grocery Shopping Day.  So I set my menu planning to that schedule.  I think it is important to tweak things to make them work for your particular and unique needs.

First, I made a simple table to print out.  I made my chart for two weeks and it starts on a Thursday and ends on a Wednesday.  I then slid it inside a sheet protector.  You can also laminate it if you have the supplies.  I use a dry-erase marker so I can easily use this chart over and over.  Stick it on the fridge with a magnet and you have a valuable resource.

I start by checking out what I have in the freezer, fridge and pantry.

I then look through my calendar to see what is coming up within the next two weeks that will effect my meal making.  (Homecoming was Saturday, therefore I didn't have to cook!)

I then count how many meals I need and also what types of meals.  Days that I have a lot going on I may choose to make something quick and easy.  I have meetings every Thursday so after a long day of grocery shopping and errand running it is super easy to stick a pizza in the oven.

So I figure out what I'm making on what days and mark them on my chart.

I also look to see if there is anything special I need to make throughout the two week period.  Get-togethers, church dinners etc.  I also try to plan what I'm making for those.

I then compare what ingredients I have to what ingredients I need and make my grocery list from there.

Actually having a menu to plan my grocery list from really does save money.  It is also nice to not have the great debate every day:

"What am I going to make for supper?!?!"

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  1. Hello Colletta,
    Your menu planning sounds great. I love it also.. I agree that to plan does save time and money in the grocery store.

    Have a blessed week,

  2. Great idea! It is always nice to know what you're cooking for dinner, saves being in a panic, lol!

    I used to have so much trouble with Wednesdays, until it dawned on me that I needed to do better planning and plan a simple meal instead of something fancy. Live and learn, haha.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  3. I think one of the biggest mistakes we can make is to stop at the store all the time...huge waste of time and money. I plan menus in the winter when everyone is home.


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