
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Keeping The Lost Art of Letter Writing Alive

Falling Off a High Heeled Life has a great idea. 

She's putting together a BlogLand Pen Pal Club! Doesn't that sound like fun?

Here are a few of her words:

"Are you interested in keeping the Lost Art of Letter Writing Alive?

In this fast paced world of e-mail, text and other electronic forms of communication, the art of letter writing and all that goes with is becoming lost. When was the last time you actually wrote a letter, addressed the envelope, affixed a stamp and dropped it in the mail box? Now, think how the last handwritten letter you received, made you feel?"

Click here for more details on how to join in!


  1. Hi Colletta!

    Visiting you from the LBS Tea Party!! :)

    I'm soooo happy to find your blog, it's great!!
    I totally agree that a handwritten note, or letter, is WAY MORE PERSONAL than anything that could ever be said in an email or text!

    Are you going to join the BLPPC...? I think I will give it a shot - how fun!!!

    I have tons of personalized stationary highlighted on my blog & available on my website at REALLY great prices - feel free to check them out!

  2. we agree, letter writing is great. Email used to be fun to get, now it's dreadful to get 50+ emails a day that you must respond to...while getting a nice letter written TO you, FROM someone you know, is such a great feeling! - send real letters, write online


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