
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Fiesta" Shawl and Books Now In My Store

I decided to list the "Fiesta" Shawl in my store.  You can click on the picture to go straight to the listing.

I also listed some books:

-First Impressions by Debra White Smith
-A Promise For Spring by Kim Vogel Sawyer
-Distant Heart by Tracey Bateman
-Along Came a Cowboy by Christine Lynxwiler
-The Perfect Blend by Trish Perry
-Jenna's Cowboy by Sharon Gillenwater
-Seasons in the Mist by Deborah Kinnard
-Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsynlvania by Cerella D. Sechrist
-Magnolia by Ginny Aiken

You can click on my store button on the sidebar to see all my listings.

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