
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Book Review: "Remember to Forget" by Deborah Raney

A Clayburn Novel

Remember to Forget
Book Description:
Graphic designer Maggie Anderson has lived under her boyfriend's tyranny for nearly two years...until she's carjacked in New York.  Will this terrifying experience be the ned for Maggie--or the beginning of  a freedom far greater than she dares to imagine?  To gain that freedom, she'll have to remember to forget everything about her old life...
Trevor Ashlock is existing, day by day, in the little town of Clayburn, Kansas.  Surrounded by too many painful reminders of all he's lost, he fills his time with work, trying desparately to forget.
then a compelling and lovely stranger shows up in Clayburn and turns Trevor's world upside down.
My Thoughts:
I loved this book and didn't want it to end.  I'm so glad that there are 2 more books set in Clayburn!
It was so interesting following Maggie on her escape from New York to Kansas.  I can't imagine traveling like that all alone with very little money, not knowing where I was going or how I was going to get there or survive.
Maggie hit the jackpot when she landed at Wren's Nest.  I enjoyed following the transformation of the inn.  I must say I would love to spend a Getaway Weekend there!  sigh...
The second book of the series, Leaving November, is in my TBR pile and I'm looking forward to reading it also.

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