
Friday, October 15, 2010

Biker Dude Before and After

Hope for Hyndman Schools, Inc. is raising money to start a charter school in our town in case our school district votes to close our current school and bus our kids 30 miles one way.

Fellow Founder's Group member and Biker Dude, Armour, volunteered to part with his hair and beard if he was able to raise $500 at Homecoming for HHS, Inc.

It was down to the last 2 minutes and we were down $200.  The great people of Hyndman pulled through and the goal of $500 was reached!

This is Armour before:

This is Armour after:

What a difference!  The kids (and the adults) had a blast watching the hair fall away to reveal the man under all that hair!

Armour has 2 youngs sons that will be effected by the outcome of the school situation.  It is so wonderful to see his dedication to his sons and to the people of our town!



  1. Love his new look! Hope he keeps it!

  2. Wow! He cleans up nice! Maybe someone will pay him to keep it that way! haha A great thing to do for the children!!


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