
Friday, September 24, 2010

Prayer Request for a New Endeavor

Starting the first Sunday in October, I will be teaching our Girls' Sunday School Class.  I would really like to teach them about Biblical Womanhood as it applies to them at their young ages.

I was searching around for a curriculum of sorts to help me get my thoughts together on what I had in mind.  I God led me to the my findings because it was exactly what I was envisioning.  And here it is:

What Every Girl Should Know by Myklin Vinson.  As I read through the Heart of Virtue site, I was so excited!  This would make things so much easier for me espeically as I am just starting the class!

I currently take a turn each month with teaching the Jr. Church and taught 2nd-3rd Grade Sunday School when I was younger before I was married and had kids of my own.

This endeavor has been on my heart, though.  My first reaction when asked to teach the class was "I don't think so", and "not right now".  The more I prayed and thought about it the more I was led to accept the challenge.

My oldest daughter just turned 9 and these lessons are ones that I really want her to learn before she gets older and hits a more difficult age.

There are a ton of great activities that can be done with the girls to help them learn and grow into the young women God wants them to be.
Some of the topics covered in this study are:

-Developing a personal relationship with Jesus

- Learning to use one's talents and spiritual gifts

- The importance of proper health

- God's perspective on beauty

- Developing social graces

- Having Christian role models & friendships

- The basics of home economics

- Relationships with boys

Please pray for me as I study, plan and start this new endeavor.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I'll let you know how things progress.

Linking to:


  1. My heart is always with the girls. They face SO much and it only gets harder the older they get. I think starting at Kaylee's age is great. We had started a girls teen group a few years ago and it was thriving but the world had crept in so much that sadly it won out for a few of the girls. Starting earler would have been SO much better.

    The study sounds great. I love the topics!

    I'll pray for you and the girls.

  2. I think this is great Colletta. Girls (and boys too for that matter) need all the help they can get to thrive in this world. The book sounds like a great choice. I'm glad you chose to teach the class. I put the prayer request on our Prayer Request blog.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. This sounds like an awesome curriculum. I hope all 6 of my granddaughters had a class like that when they were 9 or 10. I will have to ask them about it.

    Praying that God gives you wisdom to deal with these eternal topics with those precious young ladies.

  4. will definitely pray for you! this is awesome! <3

  5. Awesome Colletta! This sounds perfect and you will be Divinely led as you have been already!

    love, kelee

  6. What a blessing this will be to all the girls and also to you! I will pray the Lord will lead you each week! Trust that HE will provide all you need and that their sweet little hearts would be open! Planting the seeds on fertile ground!!

    Bless you!

  7. Colletta, I thing this is such a needed subject for young girls. Charlotte put it on the prayer blog so you will get lots of prayer in their behalf.
    God Bless,

  8. Hi Colletta,

    This is my first visit to your blog and I'm encouraged by this post. I believe young girls need wisdom, help and guidance invested into their lives by women willing to teach timeless values that instruct and point them to Christ. This is a worthy endeavor by you. I will be praying that you minister to many and that years from now, the memory of sitting in class with you will help to shape and frame their lives.

    Blessings and peace.


  9. Lifting you up in prayer today for teaching the girls. Lovely post...

  10. Father God I lift up Colletta up to you in prayer. I ask that your Spirit lead, guide and direct her as she is obedient to the call you are placing on her life to teach these precious young girls. Father God I pray for each and every girl that will be in this class, and will be touched and influenced by this teaching. May each and everyone of them mature into the Godly woman you intend them to be. In my Saviors precious, precious name I pray. Amen

  11. praying God guides you..I'm a mom of two amazing girls so what you're the best. He's opened the door to us you with these girls....and that's so great.

  12. Good Morning Colletta Sweetie...
    What a beautiful post, and what a wonderful journey God is leading you on. You are taking the lives of our future and you my friend will be helping to mold them down the golden path of Christ.

    I will be lifting you up in prayer as you take each path on Sunday. You do know that the girls are not the only ones who will be growing, you will as well. God is opening new horizons for you sweetie. Inhale them all.

    Have a beautiful Sunday. I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I can't wait to see where these lessons take you. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  13. Happyily praying for your new path! Children today get bombarded with so many wrong messages and how wonderful to have somebody like you dedicated to helping them to find the right way.


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