
Monday, August 23, 2010

Simple Yardsale Couch Makeover

My aunt had a yard sale and I was so excited to see that she was selling her couch and over-size chair. Now, I have envied this couch for years because of its extreme comfiness and loungability.

(Here you can see Baboon-butt Pudge. He has a skin condition that gets worse in the summer.)

So, I snapped it up. But the Atztecy pillows just aren't my style. Not to mention that this couch has gone through my 3 cousins and was a little worn.
After recruiting my husband to haul the couch and chair to the house, my mind starting whirling with possibilities. I knew I wanted to re-do the pillows and I started calculating yardages and planning a trip to the fabric store.

I had to go to the Dollar General for some basics: bread, milk, cleaners. I actually made it out of the house by myself so I was wandering the isles just browsing. In the bedding section a really cute sheet set caught my eye. King size for $30. Aha! I knew what my after-cleaning project was going to be.

First, I scrubbed all the surfaces to freshen it up. Then I went to work cutting the elastic out of the fitted sheet. I measured the pillows and made basic slip-covers for all the pillows. I used the pillowcases to make covers for the smaller pillows.

The result:

Much more my style.

I just love the print.

I just threw the flat sheet over the huge, comfy chair and tucked it here and there and used a few safety pins on the sides. Completely different look.

The best thing about this make-over is that all I need to do is take the slip-cover off and throw them in the washer if they get dirty.

And it only cost $30!

Raising Homemakers


  1. Great fabric and you did a wonderful job. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  2. Great job and I love the fabric, too:).


  3. I love it! Looks so bright and cheery!

    What a great idea. You got a whole new look for $30! You rock, girl.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  4. What a great makeover! The sofa looks so comfy and pretty!

  5. Love the fabric! And what a simple fix that brings happiness without breaking the bank!

  6. Love it! It looks so inviting! Stopping by from Raising Homemakers linky. :)

  7. WOW! That was a great deal! And looks so new and fresh!
    I am visiting you from Raising Homemakers! Thanks for sharing!


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