
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Marriage Monday- Tell 5 Day 3

Julie of Come Have a Peace and host of Marriage Mondays gave a "Tell 5" challenge this week.

"Would you "Tell 5" with me this week? Each weekday this week, would you ask God to give you an opportunity to share "good news" about your husband with someone you talk to? You could start today by sharing a comment (at the end of this post) about something you appreciate about your man. Every day, tell one other person a bit of goodness about your guy = Tell 5. It will impact YOU in the way you think about him. It will impact the HEARER and how they think of your hubby and you. It will impact your HUSBAND as he notices your tender heart and maybe hears the good news from a distant land. Don't be the one to tell him yourself! That would spoil it. :)"

Day 3:

I've literally known Doug my whole life. We grew up in the same church even though he is 10 years older than me. When we first got married he wouldn't even have thought about getting up in front of the church to speak, pray, lead the service etc. He has come so far.

He was ordained as a Deacon in our Church about 3 years ago. This is a picture of him waiting his turn to be ordained.

His ordination service. My dad is an elder and is the third from the left laying his hands on Doug to set him apart for his service.
This motley crew are the all the Deacons who were ordained that day. Of course, that's Doug on the left end.

Men. Trying to figure out how to stand for a picture! lol

I am so proud of the man my husband has become. He now leads the opening service, leads praise hymns, prays in front of the congregation, teaches Jr. Church as well as serving communion and other Deaconly duties.

That's my man!

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