
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Butter Pecan Cupcakes

I found this recipe at A Cuppy Cake Life and it was a must try. Butter Pecan Ice Cream is a favorite around here and I couldn't wait to taste one of these pecan sprinkled goodies.

I made them for a church picnic and everybody loved them. Myself included!

Butter Pecan Cupcakes
(makes approx 30 regular cupcakes)

2 2/3 cups chopped pecans
1 ¼ cups softened butter, divided
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup whole milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line muffin tins and set aside.

In a large skillet, melt ¼ cup of the butter. Add the chopped pecans and toss to coat. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until nuts are toasted and fragrant, about 10-15 minutes. Do not overcook the pecans. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, cream sugar and remaining cup of butter until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time and mix thoroughly after each addition. Beat in vanilla. Add the dry mixture in thirds, alternating with the milk. Mix well after each addition. Stir in 1 1/3 cups of the toasted pecans. The remainder will be used to top the cupcakes.

Spoon ¼ cup of batter into each liner. Bake for 13-17 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in pans for 3 minutes before removing to wire rack to cool completely.

Butter Pecan Frosting

1 cup butter, softened
8 ½ cups powdered sugar
5 ounces evaporated milk
2 teaspoons vanilla

Cream together the butter, vanilla and 3 cups of the powdered sugar. Once well incorporated, add evaporated milk alternating with a cup of sugar at a time until all ingredients have been added. Beat on high for 5 minutes until light and fluffy. Spread on cupcakes and top with remaining 1 1/3 cups toasted pecans.

I will be linking up with:



  1. Yippee!! I was just going to email you to ask for this recipe. Those cupcakes are wonderful!!! I had two at the picnic :)

  2. Those sound really good!

  3. They look wonderful. Butter Pecan is a favorite at my house also:) I am saving this recipe to try soon.

  4. Oh these look delicious - something I'd definitely try!

    I can't wait to poke around and see what else is cooking in your kitchen - hope you'll drop by and visit me at Create With Joy when you have a free moment!


  5. Oooh, I love butter pecan and these cupcakes look really good!

  6. Colletta,

    These look MAJOR yummy!!! I might have to try out this recipe soon. :o)

  7. These look so yummy...have to make them!!! Blessings, K


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