
Friday, July 23, 2010

The Miller Homestead - Master Bedroom

The Master Bedroom technically belongs to me and my husband but it is almost a given that sometime during the night a little person will sneak in too.

The Bedroom door comes off of the Sewing Room. This is the view from the doorway. We have our very own Bathroom there to the left.
This is the view from the Bathroom doorway.
My dresser is usually never this clean. Most of the time I have clothes piled up on it. I'm working on breaking this bad habit.

The mirror in the corner is another treasured posession and now a family heirloom. My parents got the this mirror for me for Christmas when I was fairly young. I'm not sure exactly when, maybe 20 years ago.

I like a lot of pillows on the bed. I'm currently looking for new bedding. Shh...don't tell the hubby.

This is my husband's corner. His turkey fan is his prized posession. The closet is also on his side.

Here is my Nightstand. It usually holds a clock, a Bible, a tablet and my current read. The top drawer has tissues, TUMS, some pens, a manicure set and a few devotionals. The bottom drawer is where I keep my silky jammies.

When I lay on my pillow, this is my view. The picture is actually a puzzle that I put together and loved. This wall is kind of blah. I'll work on that.

Along with looking for new bedding, I also will be painting the Master Bedroom a new color this fall. Any suggestions on color?

1 comment:

  1. You have lovely wood work so I suggest a dark beige.


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