
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Miller Homestead - Family Room

Today's featured room at "The Miller Homestead" is the Family Room. This is in everyway a room for the whole family. We converted our attached garage into more living space to save everyone's sanity.

This is an overall view of the room. Do you see my Thomas Kincade picture that I won at a Home Interior Bingo Party?

You can see the doorway going into the Laundry Hall. My treadmill is positioned so that when I pull use it, I can see the TV. There's my baby sleeping on the couch down in the lower right corner.
This is the Play Corner. I didn't realize this recliner looked so worn until I saw this picture.
We have a little entry area right off the door. I usually check myself in the mirror before leaving. Most of the time I have to run back in to fix myself.
And that is our Family Room. In a few years when the youngest is a little older, we will get new furniture. Someday.

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