
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Book Review: "Touching the Clouds" by Bonnie Leon

Alaskan Skies Book 1

Book Description:

Kate Evans is an adventurous and independent young woman with a pioneering spirit. She pilots a mail-delivery plane in the forbidding Alaskan wilderness, the lone woman in a male profession. But even that seems easy compared to finding true love. She likes a fellow pilot and would even consider marrying him--if it weren't for Paul, a mysterious man on her mail route with a gentle spirit and a past to hide.

Can Kate break through the walls Paul has put up around his heart? And will her quest for adventure be her demise? Book 1 in the Alaskan Skies series, Touching the Clouds will draw readers in with raw emotion and suspense, all against the stunning backdrop of the Alaskan wilds.

My Thoughts:
This book was so interesting. It really took me into what a womon at that time who flew a plane for a living went through.

The descriptions of Alaska, her formations and her beauty was so vivid. I'm so jealous of my cousin and his wife who will be taking an Alaskan cruise in a few days.

I really liked getting to know the characters. I longed for Paul to find comfort and to not be so lonely and for Kate to ease up on her need to prove herself.

I am very happy with how this book ended.


  1. Colletta, I'm so glad you enjoyed the book.

    Thanks so much for posting your review.


    Bonnie Leon

  2. I enjoyed Touching the Clouds very much! Bonnie Leon's book was intriguing and made me smile!

    I thought this novel compared very well with others in the world of Christian historical fiction. It had numerous tricks and turns that kept me turning one page after another well into the night.

    I wrote my own review that can be found here:



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