
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Secret Lanuage of Fans

Today, Laken and I went to Joann's. I wanted some yarn and some fabric to finish two Round Robins so I can send them off to the next participant.

As we were standing in line to pay, I noticed some paper hand fans with cherries on them in the $1 bins by the check out.

Kaylee was recently admiring a fan my mom has so I grabbed three of the cherry fans. One for me, Kaylee and Laken.

After I put the groceries away, I started taking everything out of the Joann's bag and discovered the fans that I had already forgotten about.

I called Kaylee out from her bedroom and she was so excited to get her fan. Laken had already broken hers by this time. (thanks to daddy and glue it's fixed for now).

Kaylee asked me if me if I knew the different motions for the fan. She remembered it from "Princess Diaries 2". So, what else to do but search the internet for it.

We found a pretty good list describing the "Secret Lanuage of Fans" and printed it out. Kaylee is now hard at work learning a new language.

She has already started holding the fan over her left ear at Laken. Guess what it means... "I wish to get rid of you". Isn't that hilarious? Not that she wants to get rid of her but that she learned how to say it in "Fanese".

I also just went on ebay and won a lot of 12 fans. They were too pretty to let go. I can't wait to get them. Maybe I'll start collecting fans.

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