
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're Going to Niagra Falls!

In my review of "Beach Dreams" by Trish Perry, I mentioned how much reading that book made me want to plan a vacation.

So, I did!

We've been wanting to go to Niagra Falls for years. At first, I was planning a romantic getaway for just me and my husband for our 10th anniversary in September. As I did some research, I realized we could rent a cottage for a week for the same amount of money to stay in a hotel for just a few days.

I also felt really bad going somewhere like that without the kids and my parents. (They've also been wanting to go there for a long time but have never been able to afford to go.)

So, Doug and I talked about it and we really liked the idea of renting a cottage and all of us going. Maybe we'll get to have a date night with just the two of us, though.

I've spent almost all day on the computer doing research and printing out directions and maps.

I made reservations for a cottage and have even started thinking about our itinerary.

I'm the kind of person who likes to make plans for just a few of the days of the vacation and the rest of the days are open to whatever we feel like doing. I don't like to cram too many things into a "must-do" attitude. I enjoy laid back vacations.

Have you ever visited Niagra Falls (USA, of course, no passports here.)? If so, what should we make sure not to miss?


  1. I've been to Niagara Falls a couple of years ago and it was soooooooooooo great. I was at Niagara on the Lake, a really cute little town with lots of small adorable shops. Right now I'm not sure, if it was on the Canadian or the American side, but if you have the chance go for it. It's just great there.

    I also liked Niagara Aquarium which would be great for the kids.

    Have fun there.

  2. Some of our cousins live on the American side. We usually go up and just hang out at their house and go to the boys hockey games. We haven't done much on the American side except go to the gorge. It's pretty steep to get up out of though. Buffalo isn't too far from there either...I think it's just a short drive. Staying in a cottage sounds lovely! Have fun!!


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