
Friday, March 19, 2010

The Weather

It couldn't be more beautiful the past couple days.

We've played outside, read outside, walked outside, cleaned outside, ate outside, did devotions outside...

I have not wanted to spend even one extra minute in the house and miss out on the gorgeous sunshine. I've been waiting a long winter for it to come back.

I think the snow is even finally all melted. At least at my house!

Welcome Spring!!

Stay away Winter! You've had your turn.


  1. I must say--I'm envious but glad you are getting to enjoy the outdoors! We're having a snowstorm here in Colorado and at our house in the mountains we have 20" of new snow...and it's still coming down!! Waaah!!

  2. It has been gorgeous. I talked to my niece and she said that their bad weather is on the way. And now I feel a cold coming on, even worse.


  3. About time! Isn't spring sunshine just the best?

  4. Spring is showing its face here too.


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