
Monday, March 8, 2010

Books Read Recently

I'm am so very behind on book review for the books I've read recently. I've decided there is just no way for me to get caught up. Therefore, I'm just going to list them here and then try to stay on top of things as I read each book in the future.

So, here they are:

"Sushi for One?" by Camy Tang 8/10

" No Place for a Lady" by Maggie Brendan 9/10

"A Widow's Hope" by Mary Ellis 9/10

"First Impressions" by Debra White Smith 10/10

"Northpionte Chalet" by Debra White Smith 9/10

"Possibilities" by Debra White Smith 9/10

Here's hoping that I can stay up-to-date even though the weather is getting nice and we're spending more time outside. Yay!!
I've listed my copy of some of these books in my store.

1 comment:

  1. Well I think for a speedy resume of your opinions the ?/10 works just fine! I keep looking at your books in your shop....sigh!


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