
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Book Review: "Miss Match" by Erynn Mangum

Book 1 of the "Lauren Holbrook Series"

Product Description (from Amazon):
Lauren Holbrook has found her life's calling: matchmaking for the romantically challenged. And with the eclectic cast of characters in her world, there's tons of potential to play "connect the friends."

Lauren sets out to introduce Nick, her carefree singles' pastor, to Ruby, her neurotic coworker who plans every second of every day. What could possibly go wrong? Just about everything.

My overall feeling of the book:
I loved it! The characters are so much fun and I loved the witty comments and realness of the conversations.

My Favorite Character:
My favorite character was Ryan. I’d love to see his “fourth-grader-on-the-monkey-bars” grin. I really like Lauren too!

My Favorite Scene:
The blind date scene was probably my favorite. Lauren sets up her two “subjects” with other people to be at the same restaurant at the same time to show them just how much they like each other. Then she goes to the restaurant and hides at a corner table so she can watch!

It Would Have Been Better If:
It would have been better if I was able to read more about Lauren and Ryan and Brandon and Hannah. Oh, wait!! I CAN!! The next book on my TBR pile is “Rematch”, the second book in this series.

I would recommend this book to:
Coffee lovers, chocolate lovers, photographers, matchmakers, girls whose best friend is a guy, those who have hypochondriac parents, aunts, sisters, EVERYONE!

9/10. Fantastic, couldn’t put it down.

2010 100+ Reading Challenge
Chick-Lit Reading Challenge
Romance Reading Challenge

To view my challenges, please see my sidebar.

You can have a chance to win this book! On my sidebar is a button for my Valentine Book Giveaway. Go there to leave a comment to have your name entered to win “Miss Match.”


  1. I'm on my way NOW, and woe betide anyone who gets in my way!

  2. Ooo I got this the other day for my Kindle. I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the review.


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