
Friday, January 8, 2010

"Bookkeeper" for Jane's Birthday

A friend led me to this free pattern for a "Bookkeeper" at Moda Bake Shop. It is to keep the book you are currently reading safe and unharmed.

Around my house, this is a definite necessity. I've long ago stopped checking books out of the Library only to have blue crayon "art" found inside the pages.

A lovely, Christian, friend and fellow reader named Jane had a birthday on Wed, Jan 6th. So I decided to try out this pattern to give to her at Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Bible Study.

I love how it turned out! I have enough strips cut to make 7 more. (I didn't read the directions quite right. oops!)

The next one I make will be for ME!

I tweaked the pattern here and there to accomodate larger books. I also just used fabric from my stash and didn't add the applique.
This pattern could have so many uses. Let me know if you try it out.


  1. I LOVE this!!! I love the color combination you chose, too, and I think I could actually make one for I don't sew often enough to remember all that I should, but I think I could handle this.

    Hope your friend enjoyed hers, and hope you got the chance to make one for yourself. :o)

  2. This is so great! I love your fabric choices and will bounce over to get the directions. I have a teaching friend who carries a book around with her everywhere she goes. She reads unbelievably fast...a novel in two hours. This will be great for her. She also never had to study in grad school. It was hard to be her friend then. :) ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic


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