
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Book Review: "Sweetwater Gap" by Denise Hunter 10/10!

Product Description (from Amazon):
Josie Mitchell's sister Laurel thinks she's come home to pitch in with the apple harvest and save the family orchard. Her brother-in-law Nate thinks she's there to talk the overworked, very pregnant Laurel into finally selling the family business. The orchard's new manager Grady Mackenzie just thinks she's trouble with a capital T. They're all right . . . and all wrong. Because no one really knows what drove Josie from home in the first place. Why she's never come home before, even for her own father's funeral. Why she pushes herself so hard . . . and what she's running from. And nobody, not even Josie, is prepared for the surprising new fruit she'll find on her last trip home.

My overall feeling of the book:
It had been a really long time since I last stayed up into the wee hours of the morning to finish a book that I had started that same night. This book ended that dry spell. I couldn’t put it down!

My Favorite Character:
My favorite character was the heroine, Josie. She had so many struggles and inner turmoil and I so badly wanted things to turn around for her so that she could find happiness.

My Favorite Scene:
My favorite scene is actually a combination of two scenes. Those of us who live in small towns know that renting a movie for the evening is sometimes the highlight of a Friday night. Such was the case for Josie and Grady. They were hanging out and having a movie night, two Fridays in a row. The first week “Jaws” was rented and the second week “Sleepless in Seattle”, “Lake House” and “You’ve Got Mail” were the rentals. The reactions of Josie and Grady to the movies were what made these scenes my favorites. And the popcorn!

It Would Have Been Better If:
I would say if Josie hadn’t made a controversial decision based on her guilt and self-loathing in the first place but it actually made the ending all the sweeter. Therefore, I wouldn’t change anything.

I would recommend this book to:
Photographers, people who have dealt with depression and guilt, apple lovers, those who enjoy a good movie night, anyone who has a family legacy that they are trying to continue. If you’ve read Denise Hunter before or if you’ve never read a Denise Hunter book, this is a must read.

10/10. One of the Best Books I’ve Ever Read!!

2010 100+ Reading Challenge
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  1. Wow! A 10/10 is strong recommendation. I have never read Denise Hunter, so maybe I need to change that!

  2. Colletta, thanks for the lovely review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Sweetwater Gap. Denise


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