
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Book Review: "A Lady Like Sarah" by Margaret Brownley

A Rocky Creek Romance

Product Description (from Amazon):
She's an outlaw; he's a preacher. Both are in need of a miracle.
Sarah Prescott has never known a respectable life. Just a hardscrabble childhood and brothers who taught her to shoot first and ask questions later.
Justin Wells left Boston in disgrace, heading out alone on the dusty trail to Texas. But when the once-respected clergyman encounters a feisty redhead in handcuffs with a dying U.S. Marshal at her side, their journey takes a dramatic turn.
His high society expectations and Sarah's outlaw habits clash from the start. With a price on her head and towing an orphaned baby rescued from the brink of starvation, Justin and Sarah make the difficult journey toward Rocky Creek. There, justice will be meted out. Perhaps--they hope--with a healthy portion of grace.
Filled with mishaps, laughs, and adventure, Margaret Brownley's inspiring romance will keep readers cheering for Sarah as she struggles to become a true lady.

My overall feeling of the book:
This was a good read. It had all the elements that I like in a Western romance. A tough girl, an honorable man, a mule, a goat and a baby. There was even a quilting bee I connected well with both main characters. I enjoyed the “inspirational” elements and morals while showing the human struggles to do what is right and maintain your faith through difficult times.

My Favorite Character:
My favorite character was Justin, the hero. He is a preacher that had to leave his ministry in Boston via the “Potipher’s Wife” method. He is struggling to find his place in a new land and is questioning his calling. Through it all he perseveres and maintains his faith and overcomes very realistic doubts and fears.

My Favorite Scene:
It was hard to pick a favorite scene but I finally chose the “quilting bee” scene. Go figure Justin wants to know the fastest way to have certain news spread to the whole community and is directed to the town’s quilting bee. Worked like a charm with nothing but the best of intentions of the fine ladies of the Rocky Creek Quilting Bee.

It Would Have Been Better If:
If Sarah had decided to go to Rocky Creek with Justin instead of heading off to find her brothers. It broke my heart when she left Elizabeth.

I would recommend this book to:
Tough girls with soft hearts, mothers, those who have been in trouble with the law, anyone who has had a “divine interruption”.

8/10. Very Good

2010 100+ Reading Challenge
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Romance Reading Challenge
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  1. This has been on my wishlist for a while! Glad you enjoyed it!

    xoxo~ Renee

  2. This sounds like a great book! I have the Book Club Edition waiting to be enjoyed as soon as I have time. :)

    Thanks for the wonderful review!
    ~ Lori

  3. Hi Lori and Renee! Thanks for stopping by.

    And thank YOU Colletta for your lovely review.

    As Sarah would say, you all take care now, you hear?

  4. Oops! I pressed the wrong key and posted without leaving my name.


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